List of experts and influences in the world of business which have contributed to our blog. If you wish to contribute as a guest post author and get listed on this page, please refer to our guest blogging guidelines.
Srushti Shah is an ambitious, passionate, and out-of-the-box thinking woman having vast exposure in Digital Marketing. Her key focus is to serve her clients with the latest innovation in her field leading to fast and effective results. Working beyond expectations and delivering the best possible results in her professional motto. Reach her on Twitter or LinkedIn.
Kat Buckley runs a house cleaning company in Oklahoma City called HappyCleans. She is interested
in startups, healthy living, and travel.
Since her teen years, Bethany Watson was always interested in writing and esports, so she decided to
merge these two passions by choosing the career of a journalist who mostly writes about trends in
eSports. She regularly contributes to the major media publications in the niche and serves as an editor for
Luke is the founder of Linear, a Utah-based PPC agency with an intense focus on helping clients increase conversion rates, grow their business, and greatly improve their ROI. If you like what you just read, you'll love getting your very own custom proposal.
Cynthia Young loves taking every opportunity to share her knowledge with others. Along with digital marketing, Cynthia is also passionate about personal growth and wellness. When she isn't writing, she can be found hiking with her dog, cooking Thai cuisine, and enjoying hi-tech thrillers. She also frequently writes articles on the company The Word Point translation service.
Saten Aghajanyan has been working at Dexatel OU as a sales manager for over a year and is now a part of the newly-formed marketing team representing their recently-launched product SendSMS, which provides wholesale SMS services. Currently, she works as a digital marketer helping develop the brand name.
Karstine Mae Sanchez is a content marketer at She loves writing content on business and work-management, food and nutrition, healthy lifestyle and travel.
Jayson Mullin is a partner at Top Tax Defenders, a tax resolution company with over 30 years of experience. They work with the IRS to aggressively help clients with any type of tax relief problems. They also regularly publish articles about tax help on their blog.
an Garland is a tech writer, programmer, and author with a particular interest in digital privacy. When he's not writing, he reads, and when he's not reading, he explores the process of indie game development on
Amos Onwukwe is an AWAI trained Business and E-commerce Copywriter featured in Huffington Post, Dumb Little Man, Self Growth, Ecommerce Nation, eCommerce Insights, Understanding Ecommerce, Result First, Floship, Small Biz Club, among others. Twitter: @amos_onwukwe
Stella Lincoln is a Financial Advisor at Academist Help. She is a single mom and has extensive experience working in financial firms in Europe. She takes a keen interest in administering academic guidance and assistance to students at Educator House.
Angela White is an ed-tech enthusiast with a passion for writing for the consumer market in the areas of product research and marketing using quizzes and surveys. Having a knack for writing and an editorial mindset, She is an expert researcher at a brand that?s known for creating delightfully smart tools such as ProProfs Quiz Maker.
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