
Scheduled Maintenance

We’re upgrading the database servers, so we expect about 2 hours of downtime at Saturday, November 3th, 2012 12:00-14:00h CET

Date: November 3th, 2012
Downtime: 2 hours (12:00 – 14:00h CET)
Reason: Infrastructural upgrade + Software update

Infrastructural Upgrade

Invoicebus’ database servers are growing up! We’re super excited to announce the migration of our conventional MySQL database to Cloud Databases, a high performance database on the cloud that brings speed, redundancy and scalability as primary values.

The new Cloud Database service delivers faster applications on the first relational database service built on OpenStack. Furthermore, to protect the data against hardware failure, it has redundant storage with built-in data replication.
Very exciting fact about this technology is that it scales incredibly easy and fast. Practically, a few seconds are needed to scale up the server and apply the new configuration. Pure gold!

Software Update

We’re introducing the real-time Activity History timeline. We believe that negotiating with your client in real time has a crucial meaning. Therefore, instead to wait notification in your inbox, we implemented a way for you and your client to be able to leave comments and track invoice’s activity in real-time. You can call it a live invoice because it looks like a sort of chat. Also, all other actions related to activity history will appear in real time.

Photocredit: Drupal Association

Comments or suggestions? We’re eager to hear from you.

Stefan Chachovski
Co-founder of Invoicebus. Huge lover of nature, science, and chocolate cherry cordials. He occasionally writes on this blog about Invoicebus' stuff. Hello him on Twitter or subscribe to his updates on Facebook.
Stefan Chachovski

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One Comment

  1. […] already know about the migration of the database in the cloud and the real-time updates of the activity history, but that is only a scratch on the surface in comparison what we’ve done in the last couple […]

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